Monday, June 27, 2011

Carolina Blues Cattery thanks Nick for always remembering us!

Dear Carol:
Congratulations on  Ruby’s Boy’s award.  He is a charmer!
Just a quick note to know that your two little ones here are doing so well.  Lamai remains the sweetest, funniest, (and smartest) cat I have ever had the pleasure to know.  Interestingly, she is very sensitive to my emotions.  When I am sad or not feeling well, she always comes and sits on my lap, trying to comfort me.  Sumatra is the most remarkably charming extrovert.  His fixed belief is that everyone who comes into this house has done so only for the purpose of loving up on him.  I have had many people who claim not to be overly fond of cats tell me that if they could find a cat like him, they would definitely change their minds.  He is one fantastic ambassador for his species and breed!

Jazz also is doing very well.  She has been off chemo since September, so nine months.  Also, her doctor is so pleased with her progress that her checkups have been reduced to bimonthly from monthly, which is always a great sign with cancer patients.

Thank you (and your kitties) again for raising my two little blessings.  They bring endless joy, (and no small degree of amusement) both to me and to a certain old poodle dog.

Your Friend,
Nick Henderson
Carolina Blues "Lamai"


Carolina Blues "Sumatra"

Saturday, June 5, 2010

Extended Family Page 2010 Carolina Blues Cattery

My How You Have Grown Jack!
Carol Gagatch of Carolina Blues Cattery